Rev. Jacki Belile, CPC


The Reverend Jacki Belile
The Rev. Jacki Belile

Jacki's Biography

I am a bridge-builder… I will help you to build pathways of understanding for your life and relationships.

I am a cheerleader … I will celebrate your core values and visions as you work hard for the changes you choose.

I am a weaver… I will guide you as you design a life that holds all the threads you desire.

~The Rev. Jacki Belile, CPC, ELI-MP

IPEC Certified Professional Coach International Coaching Federation Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner

Jacki is an American Baptist minister and Certified Professional Coach (CPC). Inspired by the Welcoming and Affirming Churches Movement and the Faith and Health Movement, she founded Living Well Ministries in Chicago in October 2007. She has been on staff at Eden United Church of Christ since 2014, and was called as Pastor in 2018.

A certified Energy Leadership™ coach, Jacki serves people from a wide variety of backgrounds in their faith transitions, forgiveness work, leadership development, family choices and balanced living. As a coach and consultant, she creates sacred space for churches and other non-profit organizations which allows them to experience optimal creativity, focus and solidarity as they chart new courses of shared mission.

The first “out” member of the LGBT communities approved for ordination in the American Baptist Churches-USA, Jacki has previously served as pastor of two welcoming and affirming congregations: Phoenix Community Church (Kalamazoo, MI) and Grace Baptist Church (Chicago).

Since 1990, she has collaborated on numerous faith-based projects for tolerance and inclusion. She was recently awarded the Peacemaker’s Award by Thousand Waves Martial Arts and Self-Defense Center in recognition of her devoted bridge-building style of advocacy for those facing discrimination among her denomination and other communities of faith.

Jacki grew up in a fundamentalist church in North Dakota and attended evangelical Taylor University in Indiana. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Social Work (from Taylor) and a Master of Divinity degree from Chicago Theological Seminary. She received certification as a life coach from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching and is a member of the International Coach Federation.

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